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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 1, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have great videos and the stories behind them right this minute. care in the air on a sky diving trip when the chute deploys -- >> but immediately wraps itself up. >> see how it's about to get so much worse. stunning images from under the sea and under a thick layer of ice. >> i feel claustrophobic. how do you find your way back out? >> find out where divers dared to go. a guy loads himself in a u-haul and hits the road. but -- >> what exactly is going on here? >> we guarantee you will not see this one coming. >> oh, no! plus, the thursday buzz word to win an ipad 3 and a lucky viewer who jt found out she
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got one. when you go out sky diving with your buddies, you expect everything to go perfectly right. if it doesn't, it's your life, literally, on the line. a couple guys got their go-pro cameras ready to go. off they go. they're doing a couple of formations in the air. they're holding on to each other. they do a couple different moves, spread apart, hold each other's hand. they look like they know what they're doing. >> should i be scared? >> of course. they do their moves. they split apart. this chute deploys but immediately wraps itself up. it gets worse. his buddy flies right into his canopy. the guy immediately jettisons his first parachute. there his buddy. they both seem to land safely. that looks like a bad day. >> good thing the back-up chute
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worked. after that, you have nothing. >> what if that tangled? >> i think you could figure out the what if. a lot of the people are saying, hey, you know what, this is just sky diving. it's not that uncommon. if you enjoy this sport, these are the risks you take. and if you know what you're doing, you get in and out of this with no big deal. i have a couple of videos that were captured during it hurricane sandy, but they're not about hurricane sandy. this one is on the streets of brooklyn in new york. >> guy just trips the dude with the umbrella. wait. >> there's one guy walking towards the guy with the umbrella. just knocks him to the ground and almost immediately four other guys show up and they beat
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this guy unconscious. they take his wallet. they take his phone. most of them walk away. one of them is left behind. the man seems to move a little bit. then you just see him lay still. look at what this guy does just before he walks away. >> looks like he was standing on his head. >> he stepped on his head as he was walking away. >> so they used the storm to their advantage because nobody's on the street? >> but also think of the emergency services and emergency personnel. they're all busy. the man that was beat regains consciousness. he gets up and seems to be able to slowly walk away. >> oh, that's horrible. >> then this next one, i don't even know what to think of this one. >> this is not the goal that any parent has for their children. what in the world is this guy thinking? >> you can hear the hurricane going crazy. for some reason, this dude deid tgoli ts he trying to rea
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that fabric? >> it sounds like this guy was just up there going for a little joy climb. >> i'm just literally driving my car, and i see this moron. these are the things that go on in new york city. >> you got to love the accent and the attitude, though. i feel like i'm at dinner at home. get a real job. >> brilliance at its best. i'm sure you would probably say that september 11th, 2001, changed our world. but if you ever wondered how the afghans feel about 9/11, joining me is a man named adam, who went into afghanistan to talk to local people. the film crew takes images from 9/11 and show those images to the locals. >> we're just working in our fields. we don't know anything else about the world. >> they don't recognize the images. they say, we just tend to our
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fields. the crew says, okay, these are farmers. let's go to the elders. they discovered while making this short film that around 92% of the people in afghanistan have no idea why american troops are 9/11 -- even in their country. as we withdraw troops, the majority of the people will still have no idea why we were there. >> what they'll know is that we were there fighting in their fields. they won't know why. >> i want you to listen to one sound bite that i think will speak to that, nick. >> americans saying we're going to have to destroy one building. >> in this entire short film, they find one person who knows what the images represent. that person is the chief of police. >> the taliban tourists attacked the buildings of new york. they killed people. they destroyed this building. that was the reason americans
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came to afghanistan. >> this documentary showcases that even once these people found out, they still say, there's no way. >> they don't have that much power. >> let's go under the surface with henry kizer. this is the first test dive using his canon. it's in a housing, which allows him to take this thing under water. this video was posted by joanne mellish who works at a huge research station for marine biologists. >> i feel claustrophobic. i see that layer of ice at the top of the ocean there. how do you find your way back out? >> good observation.
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ye yeah, if you look towards the surface, there isn't really a surface at all. it's a thick layer of ice. at one point in the video -- don't worry. at one point in the video, you see the hole in the ice they drop down in.'s how they go back to above sea level. i think you automatically feel like that's the type of animal that belongs in a tropical setting. you don't expect to see them growing and thriving in a cold setting. especially a jelly fish. >> it looks absolutely spectacular. the combinations of colors and the different species of life contrasted with the way the ice looks. it looks like clouds and sky and like the ground on some colorful, beautiful desert somewhere. it's just all under the water. ever seen a roof go bounce, bounce? >> watch what's making this roof bounce. >> oh.
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>> oh, my goodness. >> we'll reveal who's literally raising the roof. as hundreds riot, one dude, well -- >> he's having none of it. >> find out why he's being called the guy who refuses to celebrate.
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we have another winner in our "right this minute" ipad giveaway. her name is jamie. she gives in cincinnati, ohio. we have her via skype right this minute to tell us about her big win. >> hi. >> how does it feel to be one of our "right this minute" ipad giveaway winners? >> it's really weird. i didn't really think i'd win this. i just did this because why not? it's the easiest contest i've adadneo get one.ntire life. it's one of the things i never thought i'd actually have. >> we love to hear that. what would you say to our other
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view who are are out there who think, i'm not going to enter this contest. i'll never win. >> it's a crime not to. it's the easiest thing to do. just remember a word and type it in. >> congratulations. thank you for watching our show. we love you! >> i love you too. >> woo! [ cheers and applause ] and get this, everybody. we have another ipad to give away, but you're going to need thursday's buzz word. >> so get ready. we'll be giving you thursday's buzz word in a little while. then head to to enter. >> that's when you click on the "win an ipad" button and enter. >> remember, you have to be 18 or older to enter for your chance to win an ipad 3. >> good luck, everybody. this video starts with a guy named matt blank and a u-haul. matt is not moving houses. you see him with his friend, the driver. he's loading himself up in the back. the thing is empty. what exactly is going on here?
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he's on the road, on the highway. lifts up the back gate as the u-haul is moving. you see mt pick something up out of the back of the truck. starts climbing up the side of the truck to the roof of the truck. action star style. gives the camera a nice smile. is that a parachute or wings or something on his back? you see him casually walking on top of his u-haul. then finally, we see what with matt and his u-haul are up to. he's going base jump from the top of this u-haul. here he goes. does sort of a suicide kind of jump facing back towards the u-haul. >> i cannot express in words how
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peaceful, how freeing, and how exciting it is to flow through danger with the confidence of knowing i'll make it there and back again. i hope everyone gets to experience this feeling at least once themselves before they go. >> the song you're hearing in the background "sleeping children are flying by raised by wolves. >> i'm not reckless. i'm not an adrenaline junky. i'm just like you. chblg >> he's a crazy adrenaline junky. i'd never do anything like that ever. parking garages. kind of a mundane structure, right? keep an eye on the ceiling of this parking garage. it's bouncing. that's not good. >> what's going on here? >> whoa. >> earthquake? >> no, it's not. this is at a parking garage at arizona state university in tempe. watch what's making this roof bounce. >> oh. >> oh, my goodness. >> a party. >> psy is playing, making this
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whole group of people shake the roof. >> so everybody was dancing at the same time, doing the thing at the same time. >> causing the roof to bounce. when you drive through a parking garage, you feel it move a little bit. you put a whole group on the roof, the whole thing shakes. >> i wonder if the people dancing were getting a little extra bounce on their way up. >> i think that's probably why it was bouncing so much. they could probably feel it moving. let's see if we can bust ourselves through the floor. >> it looks probably worse than it actually is. >> if i'm taking this video and this is my car here, i'm putting some quarters in the meter. >> it looks like a trampoline, but it wasn't. >> cement trampoline. you both know there's a hobbit movie coming out. air new zealand decided, you know what, we need to make an unexpected briefing. >> welcome aboard. >> their safety video includes wizards, elves, hobbits, gollum, and a couple witch kings. >> this is the video that plays
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when you're boarding the aircraft. >> all travelers must keep a watchful eye and follow crew instructions. >> i like how gollum is able to fly. he's not checked by the ttsa. >> that's the director. >> that's sir peter jackson. it gets a little sexy here. >> oh, sorry. >> if you need a little more inflation, simply blow into the mouthpiece. >> i never saw that overt sexuality in "lord of the rings," but, hey, what do you know? >> there's no smoking anywhere on this aircraft as it's a flying hazard. >> now sit back, relax, and enjoy your journey. >> if you want to see the whole safety video uninterrupted, go to our website and click on "best of rtm." a high-tech drone helicopter is about to take flight. >> the thing takes off and immediately shoots straight up
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into the air. >> but the landing may not be as smooth. see the building blunder on "right this minute." >> oh. . and this car is about to make a wrong turn. >> okay. >> here we go. >> why would you i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office.
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[ man ] i got it when i uploaded a gigabyte of photos. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone
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many people may not know that tons of giants fans and people living in san francisco hit the streets in celebration. some call these celebrations riots. i have this video for you. you can see just hordes of people celebrating. they're on top of the muni. >> people are partying. they're pumping up. >> notice this guy. he's having none of it. just, you know, patiently sitting on his phone, maybe texting his friends saying, dang it, i can't ever commute. what do you think he's writing in that moment? what do you think he's saying? >> you wouldn't believe the idiots on this train right now. >> or maybe he's an undercover tigers fan and he's wearing a black sweatshirt over it so nobody knows and he can just wait until everything calms down.
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>> maybe he has no idea about baseball at all. like, he's like, what's going on? >> what happened? >> he's looking on twitter like, what? what's trending? >> what's up? drone helicopters have gotten very popular in the rc hobby industry and rc videography. this guy flies the drone. the other one flies the camera. the thing takes off and immediately shoots straight up into the air, relatively fluid takeoff. the thing jumps up, gets altitude quick, and also rapidly loses control. it crashes straight into that building. >> oh, man. that's a bummer. >> once it hits the ground, it erupts into a small smoke bomb and fire. a couple different theories as
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to what happened. some say these are aid by gps signals and that's why they're easier to fly. but when you fly them in and around buildings, the gps signals can get blocked. another person commented, if you watch closely, just as this thing takes off, there's a little puff of smoke right there. this is an electric powered thing, so you shouldn't have smoke or exhaust unless it's a small short or electrical fire. it almost went through one of those windows. it's really hard to say what caused this thing to crash. luckily, nobody got hurt on the ground. okay. who wants to win an ipad 3? it's time for us to give on away. >> you have to be 18 or older to enter. you have to have thursday's buzz word. >> that's when you head to our facebook page to enter today's giveaway. >> time to reveal the buzz word. >> thursday's buzz word is -- >> deluxe. now head over to
2:52 pm and click on the "win an ipad" button. >> then enter thursday's buzz word "deluxe" for your chance to win an ipad 3. good luck, everybody. it's cold, dark, fun, and it may make you -- >> want to do i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office.
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[ man ] i got it when i uploaded a gigabyte of photos. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for?
2:54 pm
switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just 84.99 a month for a year, our best price online... with no annual contract. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... internet ranked the fastest in the nation... and fios doesn't cap your internet usage, so you can upload and download as much as you want... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. so get fios for just 84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. don't wait. go to today. that's call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v. see why millions have chosen fios over cable this guy that has a neighbor whose halloween decorations just flew all over the place. the dog came across a skeleton.
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not a fan. >> looks like a skeleton having a siesta up against the car. >> he's a good guard dog. he's like, this is a strange former human being in my front yard. >> he's not moving. he has him cornered. >> this is what you want protecting your home. you can't trust a pug to do his job. why? he fell asleep on the his head? >> his head is on a desk. >> it's like he was working on some tps reports and decided to take a nap. >> he got busted because he was snoring so loudly. >> pugs are known to snore because they have the smooshed snouts. >> aren't you concerned this pug is sleeping on the job? >> not at all. >> he woke up at the end. he was like, what? like, what, i wasn't sleeping. i was up. i think this is what you do in your past time if you have lots of dollar bills laying around.
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>> so you're like scrooge mcduck. >> take a little trip to the czech republic. in his mercedes suv. >> those are pricey. >> watch what he does in his. here we go. steep, muddy hill. mercedes on its way up. >> and quickly back down. he started from like ten feet away. really, you got a nice car like that. why would you do this? this isn't a car you take off roading. >> his friends are not good friends at all because they let him do this. i will say the guy with the camera does rush down the mud hill to make sure his friend's okay. >> the guy is okay. the car is definitely the opposite of okay. >> completely totalled. the roof is all smooshed in. the hood is all smooshed in. >> the famous mercedes symbol is barely hanging on. >> make is into a necklace. i guarantee that after
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seeing this video, you guys are going to want to do something a quarter past midnight. this is some cool quarter past midnight skiing. >> oh. ♪ >> this video was put together by solomon free ski tv. they're a french company. they hit the slopes to get these amazing shots of these skiers on the slopes a quarter past midnight. ♪ >> they lit this just perfectly so you can see the skiers break into that powder and pull some of these moves. >> oh! >> no way. they put neon on. that is -- >> look at that. >> cool. >> that's wicked.
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that's our show. thanks so much for spending time with us. we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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